SEND Local Offer


Our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer

Flitwick Pre-school has regard for the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice and is committed to working with Central Bedfordshire Council to support families to enable children to achieve their full potential. The ‘Local Offer’ provides information for children and young people with special educational needs and their parents and carers in one place. The Local Offer for Central Bedfordshire council can be found at


About Us

Flitwick Pre-school is an independent early years setting offering quality care and education to children from Flitwick and the surrounding villages from the age of 2 years to 4 years 11 months. We are located in the centre of Flitwick at The Brotherhood Hall, 36a High Street, Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1DU and operate during term time for 38 weeks of the year.

Our building is on one level with double door access to one side of the building. We have changing facilities and children size toilets and sinks to promote independence. We have raised planter areas within our pre-school garden.


Policies linked to our Local Offer

We comply with the Disability Act (2010) in making reasonable adjustments for children with SEND. The following policies apply to our commitment of inclusion:

  • Supporting children with special educational needs

  • Promoting positive behaviour

  • Valuing equality and diversity

  • Admissions

  • Inclusive play

  • Safeguarding children and child protection

  • The role of the key person and settling in

  • English as an additional language

  • Nappy changing

  • Working in partnership with other agencies

  • Confidentiality and client access to records

  • Data Handling


How will Flitwick Pre-school know if my child needs additional help?

The staff at Flitwick Pre-school are committed to the early identification of special educational need and adopt a graduated response to meeting special educational need in line with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 2014.

The three stages of graduated response are as follows:

Stage 1 – Extra or different support is provided to that of children of a similar age.

Stage 2 – Professional intervention is requested to support the child for example: Speech and Language therapist, Health professionals, Behaviour professionals or Early Years Support Team

Stage 3 – If a child needs are complex or severe, an education health and care (EHC) assessment to be carried out by the Local Authority will be requested to determine how the child’s needs are to be met in an EHC Plan.

A child who needs additional help may be identified following concerns raised by their parent or carer, or within the setting by the child’s key person who will then liaise closely with our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENCO).

We use observation and assessment to enable identification of children who may need additional support or intervention. Children are assessed using developmental milestones taken from The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) and The Department of Education document ‘Early Years Outcomes’. For further information we refer to the Central Bedfordshire Draft Guidance on SEND in the Early Years: A Graduated Approach.

Parents/carers are kept informed throughout the process of identification and assessment and invited to participate in discussions linked to the support planned for their child and the role they can play at home.

The Flitwick Pre-school staff team have regular staff meetings to discuss all aspects of learning and care, reflecting on our practice to maintain the best quality, safe, learning environment for all the children who attend the pre-school.


Who are the key people at Flitwick Pre-school available to discuss parental/carers concerns about their child’s additional needs?

Parents/carers who are concerned about the well-being and progress of their child should speak to the child’s key-person in the first instance, who will then liaise with the setting SENCO as appropriate.

We are always available to parents/carers for a formal or informal chat and there is always a quite place to do so if you wish.

Our dedicated Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENCO) is Julie Mahoney.


How will parents/carers be informed about their child’s progress and how will progress be measured?

Children are assessed using development milestones taken from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Department of Education document ‘Early Years Outcomes’. This is combined with information supplied by parents and observations made by practitioner of the child during play.

For further information and advice we also refer to the Central Bedfordshire Guidance to SEND in the Early Years Graduated Approach 2015.

Working with parents/carers, Key worker and SENCO’s we will assess your child’s needs by working alongside the Central Bedfordshire SEND support Plan. This helps the parents and setting set out long and short term outcomes to support the child working together to achieve these.

Progress meetings will be held to review the plan with parents, SENCO, the child’s Key Person and any other outside agencies who are supporting the child and family.

We always involve the parents/carers with regards to bringing any outside agencies into the setting to observe the child. Permission is sought from parents/carers before any information is shared with outside agencies.

A referral may be made to Central Bedfordshire Early Years Allocation requesting an Early Years Initial Assessment by one of the Early Years professional teams.

Also mentioned in the SEND code of practice 2014, in exceptional cases where there are severe and complex needs an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) needs assessment request may be necessary.

We may ‘sign post’ parents to other outside agencies and support groups such as The Parent Partnership.


What other types of support can children receive at Flitwick Pre-school?

The support that children will receive at Flitwick Pre-school will vary according to their individual and/or medical needs. This support may include:

Participation in small group activities which address their particular needs e.g. Lift Off to Language groups or specific programmes as devised by Speech and Language Services or the Early Years Support Team (EYST).

Adapting routines and activities to meet individual needs, which may include providing a visual timetables or alternative communication systems e.g. photographs or picture references.

Visits from the Early Years Support Team (EYST) for advice and support, both in your home and at pre-school

Time incorporated into daily routines to work on outcomes specified in the child’s SEND Support Plan either 1:1 or in a small group.

Following advice given by other professionals, e.g. Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapist reports.

Risk assessments where applicable for individual children and particular activities, in conjunction with the SENCO.

Flitwick Pre-school may be provided with additional funding at the Central Bedfordshire Early Years Allocation meeting following an Early Years Assessment. The funding will be used to support the child as appropriate and will enable staff to spend time applying strategies as recommended by professionals.

We recognise that some children behave differently in different environments. It is our intention to work with parents/carers, informing them of any changes in their child’s behaviour and our concerns as they occur. Equally we encourage parents/carers to discuss their concerns so that we can develop a consistent approach to supporting children’s individual behavioural needs.


What support is in place at Flitwick Pre-school to meet children’s physical needs?

Flitwick Pre-school will follow advice given by Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists reports and the pre-school staff will work with children either individually or in small groups.

Flitwick Pre-school is a single storey building. All learning spaces are on one level so accessible to all. We have a changing bed facility and children sized toilets and sinks. We have raised bed areas within our pre-school garden.

Flitwick Pre-school have sole use of the building.

All staff hold a current, relevant paediatric first aid qualification.

Staff will undertake up to date Epi pen and asthma training as required.

Risk assessments for individual children and for particular activities are completed in conjunction with the SENCO where relevant and necessary.

We comply with the Disability Discrimination Act (2010) in making reasonable adjustments for children with SEND.


What other agencies can provide support to children with SEND?

We liaise closely with outside agencies and welcome the support of external professionals to ensure we meet the needs of children with SEND. This support may include providing observations, reports, advice for staff and parents and where necessary attending professional meetings.

Agencies who may be involved include:

  • Local Authority Early Years SEND Advisory Teachers (Psychology and Advisory Support Service)

  • Early Years Support Team (EYST)

  • Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT)

  • Health Visitor

  • Child Bereavement, Trauma and Emotional Wellbeing Service (CHUMS)

  • Child Development Centre which may include support from:

  • Physiotherapist

  • Speech and Language Therapist

  • The hearing Impaired Team

  • Visually Impaired Team

  • Occupational Therapist


What specialist training do staff have in SEND?

Flitwick Pre-school staff have supported a range of children with special educational needs, some with medical conditions and/or disabilities. In most cases the child’s needs have been met through additional support and a differentiation of activities.

Our SENCO is due to attend the Local Authority SENCO training

Staff access training through Central Bedfordshire Academy Training and Development.

Training completed by all staff include:

  • Paediatric First Aid

Some members of the staff team have also attended the following training:

  • Social Communication and ASD workshop

  • Makaton signing

  • Managing Feelings and Behaviour

  • Lift Off to Language 

  • An introduction to Autism

  • Understanding Autism

Our Speech and Language Co-ordinator has completed Level 3 training in Speech, Language and communication and Lift Off to Language training for both the two and three year olds programme. In addition to this one member of staff also holds Level 3 in Speech, Language and Communication. two members of staff have completed Lift off to Language for 2 year olds and three members of staff have completed Lift off to Language for 3-5 year olds.

In order to ensure we are effectively supporting the individual needs of children with SEND Flitwick Pre-school will seek advice and attend relevant training.

For further information please contact us at Flitwick Pre-school, The Brotherhood Hall, 36a High Street, Flitwick, Bedfordshire, MK45 1DU. Telephone 07870 773867 or email